Monday 6 February 2017

Bad chapter

"kakngah, these days are tough. Kenapa mesti jadi macam ni?"
" because Allah want to test how strong you Imaan is to handle with those unnecessary feeling"

Being a normal person, everyone has their own bad chapter that they wish to erase.
but neh, we don't have Shim Cheong here to hold us & make everything forgotten.
We need to deal with the damage, we need to be ready with a needle & thread.
Some might be having their sleepless night, 
pondering their fate of being left or been treated like the second choice,
Some might go through hard days to move on
& we tend to ask, why? why Rab why?

"Allah letakkan garis larangan untuk lindungan diri kita, sebaliknya kita yang langgar larangan itu & akhirnya tersakiti. Terus, siapa yang menyakitkan diri kita sebenarnya? fikir." 

Never forget Allah is by your side.

 He loves you more than a mother loves her child, 

so don’t be shy to pour your heart out to Him and cry!

There is nothing in this world that is more beautiful than making sujood to Allah, 
and there is no feeling more sweeter than being close to Allah.
As you getting closer to Allah, 
you will find the "answer" that comforts you so much.
you will thank Allah for putting you in such bad chapter,
you will be grateful to experience that,
In the end, you know that it was all your fault at the first place.
You know that you shouldn't say Hi at the first place,
You know you shouldn't cross the line,
You shouldn't start any unnecessary conversation with guys,
ya, your fault.
But hey, it is not too late to turn your back from it
& to start over everything.
I promise months or years later, 
all of this mess will make sense.
You will look back on these days and smile to yourself,

and whisper a silent “Alhamdulillah”

"If it’s stopping you from getting closer to Allah, then you need to let it go."


move on, it is just a chapter in the past,
but don't close the book
just turn the page.
& write something new.

Sampai suatu masa. 
Manusia yang telah lama leka dengan dunia akan mula tercari cari cinta.
Saat itu, ia benar benar mahu kembali.
Kembali bertuhan, 
Pulang bersama jiwanya menemui Yang Kuasa. 

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